Sunday, December 6, 2009


I know I said in that last post I was going to write while at home, but my priorities were more focused on getting work done and seeing old friends, which I guess I didn't realize while I wrote that. I just wanted to reassure all my readers (all two of you) that I was still going to post in the future.

Thing is, I haven't had much to post about, not only because I haven't actually had time to write, but because I haven't been doing anything post worthy, except working. Right now is two weeks from the end of my first semester, so it's really "crunch time" in terms of working hard. So when I have free time (rare) I'm working on cutesy little projects (which, yes, I'll put up here eventually) some of which include more cute drawings I did, collages, a mini-book I made, yummy dinners I've created, and maybe a school project thrown in, as well as ACTUAL things I've managed to do or see, like the holiday market in Union Square, my kinda-sorta date thing (maybe I won't tell you about that actually...), a show in Bushwick, the BUST Holiday Craftacular, my CRAZY lab project (which is still in the works), and hopefully the cutest lil farm puzzle ever (if I get around to doing it), and also things I've found around like the two books which I'm planning on reading over break, a birthday card (it's pretty special), and my giant free goody bag.

All will be explained, dear readers (all two of you). So sit tight and wait during the next two weeks, after which all my posts will burst forth like the blog flood gates have been opened.

P.S. I'm also sorry for that long run-on sentence.